
Azure DevOps: So VSTS has Changed

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Azure DevOps: So VSTS has Changed

October 19, 2018

With our excellent team of Azure DevOps experts you can be sure you are in safe hands. Join us at our “Azure DevOps: So VSTS has Changed” event on the 24th October 2019.

Event summary:

Azure DevOps helps your teams deliver software consistently faster and more reliably. Regardless of the programming language you’re using, the platforms you’re targeting or the cloud you deploy to (including on-premises), Azure DevOps can help!

And for open source projects, Microsoft is making a massive investment in free CI/CD via Azure Pipelines. This includes unlimited build time and up to 10 free concurrent jobs running on mac, Linux and Windows for any open source project!

In this half day session we will look at:

  • The changes in technology the recent announcement
  • The changes in licensing in the recent announcement
  • Leveraging Azure DevOps to improve your DevOps process
Join us to find out more about the evolution of VSTS to Azure DevOps, and how it impacts you.