
What Visual Studio SKU is right for you?

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What Visual Studio SKU is right for you?

September 1, 2010

Black Marble is running a series of 4 events taking you from Visual Studio Express to Visual Studio Ultimate to help you figure out which product will work for you.

These events are running in London and the North – choose which venue suits you to find out which product suits you!

From Express to Ultimate: Improving Productivity with Visual Studio

  • 21 September – Black Marble HQ, West Yorkshire, Click Here to Register
  • 12 October – Microsoft London (Cardinal Place), Click Here to Register
  • 16 November – Black Marble HQ, West Yorkshire, Click Here to Register
  • 12 October – Microsoft London (Cardinal Place), Click Here to Register

Don’t forget to follow Black Marble on Twitter to keep up to date with all our forthcoming events!